Sharonne is credentialed with Regence/Uniform, Kaiser, Washington's Worker's Compensation, and PIP Insurances.
If you are a Regence/Uniform member (or a BC/BS or other "Blue"member) please contact them for the details of your coverage as you are responsible for any declined claims. Usually, a referral is not necessary. Sharonne's contract is with Regence but they have arrangements with other Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans from around the nation so do check your coverage as often you can see Sharonne as an "in-network" provider.
Sharonne has recently become contracted with Kaiser. Kaiser assures Sharonne that she can see "everybody for anything." That has not actually proved true. Calling about your individual plan and its parameters before scheduling is HIGHLY recommended. Most plans do not require a referral.
Washington's Worker's Compensation, administered by the Department of Labor and Industries, only authorizes a limited number of acupuncture visits for the life of a low back injury claim. You will need a referral from your attending physician in order for L&I to cover these treatments.
PIP - auto accident coverage is also accepted. When your coverage limits are exhausted, you may be responsible for paying out of pocket. Be aware of your policy limitations. If your PIP claim is through an insurance company that she hasn't worked with before, Sharonne can work with you to get authorization.​​
If none of these insurance options applies to you, Sharonne is still happy to treat you. You can pay her Time-of-Service rate ($150 for a 90 minute New Patient appointment and $100 for a Returning Patient appointment). Afterwards, she will give you the appropriate paperwork so that you may seek reimbursement from your insurance company. Or, you can simply pay the time of service rate.