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These posts are meant to spur conversations between you and your practitioner, and inform about TCM.
These blog posts are NOT medical advice.

February 1, 1941: German authorities begin rounding up Polish Jews for transfer to Warsaw Ghetto
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I...

Season's Greetings!
Welcome to The Season. No, not the one of good cheer, candles, and gifts. I mean cold and flu season. Oh, yeah, THAT one. As the number...

In Allergy Season Your Pulses Have Phlegm Too.
Along my bike route here in Olympia, this flag has been on prominent display. And in my office, the people sitting across from me are...

Changing Scenery: From Outdoor to Inner Landscapes
Only art penetrates what pride, passion, intelligence and habit erect on all sides – the seeming realities of this world. There is...

Atchoo! How Antihistamines Age Us.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Fall is the season of dryness making it the perfect time to discuss anti-histamines. I know that’s...

Your Gut Is Connected to Your Ear (no, really)
People new to acupuncture often look askance at their treatment provider when they have come in complaining about back pain, for...

Nerve conduction needles v. Acupuncture needles
In the case of pain caused by things going into your body, size matters. We acupuncturists have worked really hard to build the...

Pumpkin Spice Medicine
No, your pumpkin spice latte is probably NOT medicinal in the way I mean. It uses flavored syrup. But if you do any fall cooking with...

Death by Chocolate! (Well, OK, only incapacitation)
I know this Blog post is not going to win me many friends. But with Halloween right around the corner, I felt a moral obligation to tell...

Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety
In our culture, acupuncture is widely known for its ability to treat muscle and joint pain. It's less commonly known that acupuncture can...

A Brief History of Acupuncture
The name acupuncture comes from two Latin words, one meaning needle (acus) and the other meaning to penetrate (puncture). I always...

Nope, not The Princess Bride or Kill Bill type of revenge. I mean the self-sabotaging sort. Now, if you are a COVID-19, work full time...

Giving it my best shot whether it's in the arm or in the dark.
I know that not everyone supports immunizations generally, or the COVID-19 one in particular. I have heard the arguments and understand....

'Tis the Season for Heart Burn
GERD, gastro-esophogeal reflux disorder, is better known to most people in our society as “heart burn.” Many of the foods common in our...

Doing My Part: Covid-19 Update
Here in Washington, Governor Inslee issued new restrictions for the remainder of November and early December as a response to increasing...

Healthcare: not just for everybody any more?
So far as I know, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. never studied Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nevertheless, he deftly articulated and applied...

“Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.” ― Twyla Tharp.
Here in Olympia, we have been sequestered at home for most of the year due to virus and smoke. Soon, winter weather will be added to that...

I know it is hard to for those of us in Washington’s South Sound area to think of fall as a “dry” season since that’s when our rains...

Orange you glad your tummy feels better?
Summertime heat and farmers markets beg for cold, damp foods to be consumed: watermelon, cucumbers, raw salads, and – of course – ice...

Watermelon as tasty medicine
Most of us enjoy a slice of watermelon in the heat of summer. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is part of the herbal medicine...
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